Community Paramedic

Adam Gatton

Mobile Phone -380/210-8386

Direct Dial - 614/991-6867


The Mission of this program is to provide innovative services to connect the citizens of Jackson Twp, Grove City, and Urbancrest with high quality, comprehensive medical care through integration with existing health systems and collaboration with care resources, using a goal directed, patient centered approach.


Even if you are not part of these communities, contact Adam and he can help.


The Community Paramedic helps with:

  • Basic medical evaluations and collaboration with your doctor.
  • Fall prevention
  • Post hospital or nursing home discharge follow-up
  • Medicine reconciliation

 And so much more. 

ohio living

Amanda Bailey

  • Your journey is individual.  You cannot compare yourself to what someone else is doing at your age.  
  • You age...70% by the decisions you make and 30% by the genes.
  • Daily exercise reduces health concerns by 25%.
  • Let go of things that take your energy.
  • Offer and receive forgiveness.
  • Make connections with others.
  • Take the time to read.
  • Take opportunities to learn new things.
  • 6 dimensions of whole person wellness: social, intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional, vocational.
  • Take the time to laugh, humor is important.
  • Loneliness in retirement is a huge challenge.
  • To age well, be intentional about everyday decisions.

RESOURCE: You can browse and take additional courses here:

nichole amicucci

former nurse practitioner, current church administrator

Hospital Documentation

People aren’t talking about these things, and they are hard conversations to have in the moment.


Power of Attorney 

  • Power of attorney, someone you choose to make decisions for you when you cannot.  Someone to advocate for you.
  • Whoever you choose needs to know that you have chosen them. And share your desires with them.
  • If you don’t have a power of attorney, Ohio has a hierarchy - working through next of kin to make decisions.
  • Best practices of medicine trumps power of attorney.
  • You can take documents to primary doctor and they can upload to your chart allowing hospitals to access it.

 Living Will

Ohio is a brain death state. If you have no brain activity, you are labeled deceased.


Answers questions as to desire for nutrition and fluids.


If you update any documents, update all of them so date is same and nothing trumps the other.


It’s ok to ask for a care conference if you desire all the doctors to communicate with one another.

 Code Status

  • Full code.  In the event that your heart stops or you stop breathing, what do you want them to do?
  • DNR CCA.  Treating and actively trying to prevent death but if heart or breathing stops, care stops.
  • DNR CC.  Don’t want to be in ICU, breathing tubes, etc.  Offers comfort care only.
  • Hospice - out of hospital comfort care.

Palliative care

In the hospital. Helps family understand and communicate.




  • If you don’t have one, it will go through probate and through the next of kin process.



  • Should be executed within last 5 years.
  • Should include expanded options.



  • Put beneficiary benefits on all of your accounts.
  • Do not add children onto your checking accounts.
  •  Check title on home for survivorship.

TRUSTS are important to be personalized.


VA BENEFITS - need to have served at right time, need to evaluate your health, income and assets.


Collins & Kruse - free consultations to determine your needs.