“Teach a youth about the way he
should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
For more info. or questions, contact Pastor Brandi, Brandib@gcumc.org .
For details about each subject, click on the "+".
CHILDREN & family ministries
“Teach a youth about the way he
should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
For more info. or questions, contact Pastor Brandi, Brandib@gcumc.org .
For details about each subject, click on the "+".
Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?
the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents,
with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you;
you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.
- Psalm 127:3-5
Our approach to children’s ministry includes the family. We recognize the importance for faith in the home and approaching faith as a journey together. Children are a gift from God and we are called to raise them up and prepare to send them out.
We believe in the importance of children being included in adult worship. We believe it is important for us to model for our children what worship looks like - so your children can join us in our Sunday morning contemporary worship experience at 9:30 & 11am. Following the musical worship, the children are dismissed to age-appropriate classes to learn
Families meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm for
Special events happen throughout the year including Vacation Bible School, Easter Egg Events, Christmas program, Trunk or Treat, family trips and gatherings and much more.
Please be sure to check in on our Family Ministry Facebook Page for updates.
Our mission is to reach the youth where they are by interacting with them in their daily lives and by understanding the place in life that they are in. We believe the youth are not only the future, but the NOW, and we must empower them to stand up in their faith from middle school into college – so that when they grow older, they have a foundation of faith and love, and a passion to serve others; training them to be disciples by sharing the Gospel and being the hands and feet of Jesus.
There are many ways we attempt to accomplish these things. But we also recognize that what happens at home is so very important. So we challenge parents to be plugged into their faith and growing too!
We encourage students to get connected in the following ways!
Ignite is our weekly meeting for teens in 7th-12th grade, we meet in the FLC (Family Life Center), every Sunday evening, 6-8pm! This time is created for fellowship, study, worship and more.
Confirmation is for those students in 6th grade, and students through high school age that have not yet completed the class. It is a time of learning what we believe and making a commitment to Christ. Baptism will occur at this point if the student has not been baptized.
Adventure Camp (“CAC”) is held in June. This
event is for those students entering 5th grade through those finishing up 12th.
College students are encouraged to be an assistant counselor. We
spend time in fellowship, study, worship and of course, have lots of fun!
Vacation Bible
School offers a class for 7th-12th grade students which is modified for their
learning style.
Operation Grove City is a yearly event to deepen faith, serve the community and grow. High school only group meets monthly to give this specific group a time to develop relationships and accountability with one another. And join in on so many other events that happen each year for fellowship, mission, growth and more.
There are so many other ways we choose to encourage the teens in our church as they go forward in their callings. We offer scholarships to those graduating and currently in college. As well - we partner college students with an adult in the church to send them a little extra encouragement!
Check our Facebook page for updates or contact Brandi Blackstone for more information by email at brandib@gcumc.org.
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Click on "MERGE SIGN UP" to sign up for our mid-week family programming so that we are sure to have enough supplies for all of our fun activities! Questions? Contact Pastor Brandi, Brandib@gcumc.org.