contemporary worship

 Our 11am Contemporary Service is a service geared especially for those with young children. We understand the challenges that sometimes face young families, both time-wise and having an environment where children can be children. Children are welcome to stay in service or, in the alternative, following musical worship, are led to our Family Life Center for their own time of learning and crafts. 

We offer Sunday School classes for: nursery/toddler, prek/k, 1st-4th, 5th-6th, 7th-8th, and 9th-12th grades. 

This service is streamed live on our Facebook Page .

get involved!

This service offers a unique environment geared towards families. If you'd like to get involved with helping out with Sunday School or greeting people with a smile as they come into worship, contact Pastor Brandi!

free resource

contact pastor brandi HERE

Just a reminder that Right Now Media is available to all our members as you think about your relationship with God in this upcoming year. Right Now Media is a database FULL of online Bible studies and social groups for individuals, families, children and groups. We often use this media resource in our Bible studies and small groups throughout the year. It’s a GREAT resource for you or for your family to be able to plug in to God’s Word and in the times we use it in our own church group setting. If you’d like to take advantage of this FREE online resource, contact Pastor Brandi to get set up. She just needs your email address. Your faith journey isn’t one you were ever meant to take alone. God made us for community!